Friday, April 25, 2014

Purex No Sort for Colors

Laundry for me is one of my least favorite chores. It's a long process which begins with sorting the colors from the whites and something I am guilty of skipping almost always! Now, thanks to Purex I won't have to feel bad when I skip this step. 

Purex No Sort for Colors has a  Anti Color Transfer Technology that traps loose dyes in the wash not allowing it to settle into other fabrics.

I tried the Purex No Sort laundry detergent first on my daughters clothes. As you can see in the photos there is red, pink and white all together in this load. Now, time to see if this detergent claims to do as it says.

When the clothes were finished washing I was pleased to see that the red pants did not bleed into the white shirt leaving me with a load of cotton candy pink colored clothes. The clothes also smelled wonderful and as much as I dislike doing laundry I love the smell of clean clothes.  

I like that this saves me a little time and will continue to use this Purex No Sort for Colors laundry detergent. 

Want a chance at trying a bottle of Purex No Sort for Colors laundry detergent? Well, you're in luck because I have three coupons to give to three lucky readers! Also, be sure to enter for your chance to win $1,000 and a years supply of Purex No Sort for Colors laundry detergent. ENTER HERE

* The Purex brand provided me with a sample of Purex No Sort for Colors in exchange for a product review. However, all the opinions expressed here are my own. *


  1. Sounds amazing, great review, would really love to try it as I live alone on a complex at $3 a load would be so much easier to mix colors with my whites to make a load instead of separating and costing more, Really appreciate the chance!!! :)

  2. I want to win because I have a habit of just throwing laundry in together, not separating ever, so of course ending up with pink undies and I NEED this in my life!

  3. Wonderful review, Cynamin! I agree, vrogersangelmom--I pay $2.50/load at the apartment complex I live in! SLiewergen (at) gmail (dot) com
